> Could those with the symptoms not provide useful information using a
> script run in an elevated admin shell listing the relevant contents of

Previously I reported that it worked for me correctly when elevated, and did
not work as an ordinary user.

I have to take this back (see the snapshots that follow).

Winobj (runs elevated to be able to open those entries) reports all drives 
without any duplication.
And so does diskpart.

Also, looks like C: is always shown correctly in /proc/partitions:  with the 
correct number
of partitions, and without any repetitions.

Right now, as an ordinary user:

$ cat /proc/partitions
major minor  #blocks  name   win-mounts

    8     0 500107608 sda
    8     1    102400 sda1
    8     2 488280064 sda2   C:\
    8    16 1000204632 sdb
    8    17 1000202240 sdb1   D:\
    8    32 1000204632 sdc
    8    33 1000202240 sdc1   G:\
    8    48 1000204632 sdd
    8    49 1000202240 sdd1   I:\
    8    48 1000204632 sdd
    8    49 1000202240 sdd1   I:\
    8    64 234431064 sde
    8    65 234428416 sde1   F:\
    8    64 234431064 sde
    8    65 234428416 sde1   F:\
    8    80         0 sdf

As admin:

$ cat /proc/partitions
major minor  #blocks  name   win-mounts

    8     0 500107608 sda
    8     1    102400 sda1
    8     2 488280064 sda2   C:\
    8    16 1000204632 sdb
    8    17 1000202240 sdb1   D:\
    8    16 1000204632 sdb
    8    17 1000202240 sdb1   D:\
    8    32 1000204632 sdc
    8    33 1000202240 sdc1   G:\
    8    32 1000204632 sdc
    8    33 1000202240 sdc1   G:\
    8    48 1000204632 sdd
    8    49 1000202240 sdd1   I:\
    8    48 1000204632 sdd
    8    49 1000202240 sdd1   I:\
    8    64 234431064 sde
    8    65 234428416 sde1   F:\
    8    64 234431064 sde
    8    65 234428416 sde1   F:\
    8    80         0 sdf

It's Windows 7 Home.

Anton Lavrentiev
Contractor NIH/NLM/NCBI

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