Before, during and after plugging in a n USB stick:

$ cat /proc/partitions
major minor  #blocks  name   win-mounts

    8     0 1000204632 sda
    8     1    102400 sda1
    8     2     16384 sda2
    8     3 999571820 sda3   C:\
    8     4    510976 sda4

$ cat /proc/partitions
major minor  #blocks  name   win-mounts

    8     0 1000204632 sda
    8     1    102400 sda1
    8     2     16384 sda2
    8     3 999571820 sda3   C:\
    8     4    510976 sda4
    8    16  62522712 sdb
    8    17   4096000 sdb1   D:\
    8    18  58424664 sdb2
    8    16  62522712 sdb
    8    17   4096000 sdb1   D:\
    8    18  58424664 sdb2   E:\

$ cat /proc/partitions
major minor  #blocks  name   win-mounts

    8     0 1000204632 sda
    8     1    102400 sda1
    8     2     16384 sda2
    8     3 999571820 sda3   C:\
    8     4    510976 sda4
    8    16  62522712 sdb
    8    17   4096000 sdb1   D:\
    8    18  58424664 sdb2   E:\

So the second listing shows sdb twice. Also E: does not seem to exist
(see below).

After that I run:

$ cygcheck -s -v -r > cygcheck.out
cygcheck: dump_sysinfo: GetVolumeInformation() for drive E: failed: 1005

In attached cygcheck.out i swapped out company name and abbreviation with XXXX.

Windows sees no E: drive:

DISKPART> list volume

  Volume ###  Ltr  Label        Fs     Type        Size     Status     Info
  ----------  ---  -----------  -----  ----------  -------  ---------  --------
  Volume 0     C                NTFS   Partition    953 GB  Healthy    Boot
  Volume 1                      FAT32  Partition    100 MB  Healthy    System
  Volume 2                      NTFS   Partition    499 MB  Healthy    Hidden
  Volume 3     D   FFT2         FAT    Removable   4000 MB  Healthy

(there is no mention of E: in Disk Management GUI either)


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