On 9/16/2020 7:12 AM, Thomas Wolff wrote:
Am 16.09.2020 um 13:04 schrieb marco atzeri via Cygwin:
On Wed, Sep 16, 2020 at 10:53 AM Kristian Ivarsson via Cygwin
<cygwin@cygwin.com> wrote:
Dear folks

Does anyone know why cygwin annex the TMP (and TEMP) environment variable(s)
and sets them to /tmp for cygwin-built-applications (executables) ?

This results in that when you want the current users TMP-folder you end up
with the /tmp path. As a result,when writing to that, without having cygwin
installed (e.g. C:\cygwin64\), it seems like it refers to ${CWD}/../tmp/ and
that is not always accessible by all users

Does anyone know the rational with this behaviour and what can be done to
get hold of the (real) Windows TMP/TEMP environment-variable-values (in a
(hopefully) platform independent way) ?

Best regards,

the logic behind is that the program should be located

and the temp will be

so if you are making your custom tree, try to stick on that expectation
and have both directories.
In general, you are free to set TMP to a directory of your choice, that's the purpose of that variable, no need to sync it with some root.
There is a comment in /etc/profile:
   # TMP and TEMP as defined in the Windows environment
   # can have unexpected consequences for cygwin apps,
but it does not explain what consequences that might be; probably some trouble with ACL/access permissions for temporary files.

That's right. There was an issue in 2009 in which 'patch' was unexpectedly changing permissions. See the long thread starting at


and continuing at


The problem was caused by the inheritable permissions on a temporary directory that patch was using, based on the value of the Windows TMP environment variable.

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