> >>> Does anyone know the rational with this behaviour and what can be
> >>> done to get hold of the (real) Windows TMP/TEMP
> >>> environment-variable-values (in a
> >>> (hopefully) platform independent way) ?
> >> so if you are making your custom tree, try to stick on that
> >> expectation and have both directories.
> > In general, you are free to set TMP to a directory of your choice,
> > that's the purpose of that variable, no need to sync it with some root.
> > There is a comment in /etc/profile:
> >    # TMP and TEMP as defined in the Windows environment
> >    # can have unexpected consequences for cygwin apps, but it does not
> > explain what consequences that might be; probably some trouble with
> > ACL/access permissions for temporary files.
> Nowadays that would be $LOCALAPPDATA/Temp, or if you really insist, the
> content of /proc/registry/HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Environment/TMP (or TEMP),
> after similarly expanding environment variable references found in that.
> The fact that getting Windows' idea of the user's TEMP directory is not
> immediately platform independent may well have been part of the rationale
> for not even trying that.

Well, at least it's up to the user

If the user sets its TMP-variable to "C:\Jabba Dabba Dooo" or "/jabba dabba 
doo", I expect the value of getenv("TMP") should be just that and regardless of 
OS the value returned is whatever the variable is set to and not magically 
changed to "/tmp"

Best regards,


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