On 2020-06-26 23:02, Cygwin wrote:
>> Just checked the setup sources, so unless there is a bug, you are running a
>> setup version over 5 years old, or not running Cygwin setup, user_picked is 
>> part
>> of the package metadata that is still read from and written to installed.db.
> FYI,  I'm seeing the same thing as Yasuhiro.
> I purchased a new personal Windows 10 Home laptop and Windows 10 Pro desktop 
> in
> March, and received a new Windows 10 Enterprise laptop for work this week.  On
> all 3 systems I downloaded setup-x86_64 from cygwin.com and first installed
> cygwin without adding any additional packages.  I then ran setup again to
> install a more packages that I needed for personal use or work use
> (respectively).  On all three machines the "manual" commands show nothing and
> the "auto" commands (appear to) show everything.  Its been a couple months so 
> I
> don't remember what I manually installed on the personal machines, but the 
> work
> machine was only 2 days ago, and I remember installing at least bc and psmisc
> (and maybe curl).  FWIW, I'm not sure if its relevant, but running setup now 
> and
> selecting "Picked" from the drop down shows "Nothing to install or update".
> Is there a log file somewhere where I can see what packages were
> installed/updated in each run of setup?

$ less /var/log/setup.log{,.full}
$ fgrep -c 'Extracting from file://' /var/log/setup.log{,.full}

setup.log.full gives the details of the last run on that installation
setup.log is the summary of all runs on that installation

> PS: I would love a way to get this listing, as it would have simplified
> installing cygwin on all 3 systems (replicating the installations on the 
> systems
> they replaced).

There are two sources for a complete package list:

installed packages:
$ awk '3 == NF {print $1}' /etc/setup/installed.db
$ sed '1d;/\s[01]$/s/\s.*$//' /etc/setup/installed.db

package directories:
$ find <local package directory>/*tp*%3a%2f%2f*%2f/*/release/*/ -type d | \
sed 's!/$!!;s!^.*/!!' | sort -u
but this may include some non-packages, as would similar approaches.

Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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