From: Brian Inglis <>
Subject: Re: Listing only manually installed package
Date: Fri, 26 Jun 2020 11:20:26 -0600
> $ grep '\s1$' /etc/setup/installed.db # manual
> $ grep '\s0$' /etc/setup/installed.db # auto
> $ awk '1 == $3' /etc/setup/installed.db       # manual
> $ awk '0 == $3' /etc/setup/installed.db       # auto
> I can't remember what the pristine state of the Base category packages are,
> I've messed around with the setup files so much for so long.

I checked /etc/setup/installed.db on my 32bit and 64bit console but in
each case all lines end with "0". Therefore,

From: Andrey Repin <>
Subject: Re: Listing only manually installed package
Date: Fri, 26 Jun 2020 20:15:21 +0300

> AFAIK, there's no way to tell if a package was manually selected or not.
> Cygwin's setup just don't store this information.

As you say, unfortunately there seems to be no way to tell if a
package was installed manually or automatically.

Yasuhiro KIMURA
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