On Thu, 07 May 2020 19:31:28 -0700
David Rothenberger <daver...@acm.org> wrote:

> On 2020-05-07 15:10, bri...@pounceofcats.com wrote:
> > On Thu, 7 May 2020 23:26:37 +0200
> > Eric Lilja <mindcoo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >   
> >> Cygwin itself is actually just DLL, you can select a previous version 
> >> of it
> >> in setup.exe. That solved our issue with corrupted display of Maven. 
> >> You
> >> can also install older versions of any package (but not all old 
> >> versions
> >> ever published will be available to choose from, just a few ones). 
> >> Anyway,
> >> my suggestion is downgrade Cygwin itself and see if that helps (if 
> >> not, we
> >> know the problem is elsewhere). All the other packages you can keep at
> >> latest versions.
> >>   
> > 
> > success!  
> I'm glad that worked for you, but it may not a good long-term solution 
> unless you're willing to use old packages, too. New APIs are added to 
> the DLL from time to time, and that may cause packages compiled against 
> the new DLL that use the new APIs to fail if you keep the old DLL 
> installed.
> Personally, I would use the CYGWIN=disable_pcon work-around and help the 
> maintainers track down the root cause of the issue so it can be fixed.

ok. i'll have to give it a try per Brian Inglis' instructions and see if that 
makes the difference in that "fix" actually working.

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