Did you try to go back to Cygwin 3.0.7? At work, we had to do that, after
output from Maven (which is colored) gets corrupted after a change in 3.1.0
and onwards. The output problem we saw manifests itself slightly different
from yours, but it might be worth trying Cygwin 3.0.7 nonetheless.

- Eric L

On Thu, May 7, 2020 at 5:52 PM <bri...@pounceofcats.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> Doesn't matter what terminal i'm using, I'm having a problem with the way
> graphic characters print.
> Julia uses unicode output, and will generate output that should look like
> this:
> julia> x=DataFrame([(1,2,3), (4,5,6)])
> 2×3 DataFrame
> │ Row │ 1     │ 2     │ 3     │
> │     │ Int64 │ Int64 │ Int64 │
> ├─────┼───────┼───────┼───────┤
> │ 1   │ 1     │ 2     │ 3     │
> │ 2   │ 4     │ 5     │ 6     │
> Unfortunately I'm seeing this :
> julia> x=DataFrame([(1,2,3), (4,5,6)])
> 2×3 DataFrame
> Γöé Row Γöé 1     Γöé 2     Γöé 3     Γöé
> Γöé     Γöé Int64 Γöé Int64 Γöé Int64 Γöé
> Γöé 1   Γöé 1     Γöé 2     Γöé 3     Γöé
> Γöé 2   Γöé 4     Γöé 5     Γöé 6     Γöé
> This was working until a recent upgrade.  I have experimented with
> terminal set encoding and i can make the problem worse, but not better.
> ,
> I've tried several terminal types, e.g. the xfce4 terminal, gnome
> terminal, rxvt.
> They all give me incorrect displays, but rxvt gives me a different
> incorrect display.  lxterminal and rxvt-unicode give me the same output as
> shown in this email.
> I've been trying to experiment with LC_ALL and related environment
> variables, but again, i can only make things worse.
> Any ideas on what i might try ?
> Thanks !
> --
> Brian
> --
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