> $ rename "anything" "AnyThing" *.ext
> What I remember as past behaviour now fails, leaving he filename unaltered.

>> Try it with the '-v' option

So I did:

$ touch "This is the test file"
$ ls -al
-rw-r--r-- 1    0 Feb 29 08:10 This is the test file
$ rename -v " the " " The " *
`This is the test file' -> `This is The test file'
$ ls -al
-rw-r--r-- 1    0 Feb 29 08:10 This is the test file

Filename unaltered, contrary to verbose confirmation.
Just checking: in DOS Command Prompt box, dir also shows filename unaltered. 
BTW failure consistent on both FAT32 and exFAT filesystems; but the rename 
command _works_as_expected_ on NTFS.
I get the subtle distinctions between FAT (all versions) and NTFS platforms; 
but, all the same, the rename command surely worked on *FAT* in the past - I 
would have noticed if it didn't because I toggle lc <> UC quite a lot.


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