On 2/28/20, Fergus Daly wrote:
> I am almost certain that the command
> $ rename "anything" "AnyThing" *.ext
> would alter the string from lc to uc as shown, anywhere it occurred in any
> filename in *.ext in the current directory.
> What I remember as past behaviour now fails, leaving he filename unaltered.
> (Failure in much the same way as mv would fail if the similar attempt was
> made.)
> (Good old DOS command rename (or the abbreviation ren) used to achieve
> multiple-rename in an easy manner that just eludes bash.)
> Anyway: has something altered (and quite recently, i think), or am I just
> mis-remembering the versatility of the command rename?

Try it with the '-v' option

$ rename -v anything AnyThing *.ext
`anything.ext' -> `AnyThing.ext'
`xxanythingxx.ext' -> `xxAnyThingxx.ext'

$ rename -v AnyThing anything *.exe
rename: *.exe: not accessible: No such file or directory

$ rename -v AnyThing anything *.ext
`AnyThing.ext' -> `anything.ext'
`xxAnyThingxx.ext' -> `xxanythingxx.ext'


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