On Fri, 27 Dec 2019 12:19:53 +0500
Eugene Klimov wrote:
> i don't use ConEmu
> but after upgrade to cygwin 3.1 this team have same bugs

These are not the same issue at all. As for alt-space,
the keycode 0x1b 0x20 is passed to the cygwin application
correctly inside of console window. This is not a bug.

The issue of ConEmu is that the no key code is passed
by arrow keys or del key to the cygwin application.

> also rollback cygwin to 3.0 return previous behaviors
> and GNU `screen` inside cygwin `ssh` works fine

I cannot get what is your problem. I logged in to a linux
machine using cygwin ssh and start GNU screen in the ssh
session, however, everything works fine for me. I tried
that in both mintty and command prompt.

*Please* let us know the *detail* of the steps to reproduce
your issue and what happens.

Takashi Yano <takashi.y...@nifty.ne.jp>

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