> Uncheck the checkbox and press "save" button. This sets
> WindowsShortcuts in .minttyrc to "no".
> Then just close mintty, and restart it.
after that
alt+space not work in any cygwin console
my actions sequence
# win+r - cmd.exe
> start "mintty" mintty.exe
# click options on top-left icon, uncheck checkbox, press save, close
options, close mintty window
> start "mintty" mintty.exe
# alt+space not works
> start "mintty+bash" mintty bash
# alt+space not works
> start "mintty" mintty.exe
# click options on top-left icon, uncheck checkbox, press save, close
options, close mintty window
> start "mintty" mintty.exe
alt+space WORKS
> start "mintty+bash" mintty.exe bash
alt+space WORKS
> start "bash" bash.exe

> > but when i just run bash.exe without mintty.exe, shortkeys still doesn't 
> > work
> What do you mean by "without mintty"? Do you execute bash in command
> prompt?
yes, I described how i run bash.exe above

> > > Please describe your problem in detail.
> > I try show what exactly happens on my screen
> > https://youtu.be/bO6-eihhkh4
> > when i press BACKSPACE inside screen my cursor position
> > i try install old version of mintty via setup-x86_64.exe without any effect
> Sorry, but I can not get what is your point. Is the problem in tab
> completion? Or cursor position problem? The "screen" means mintty
> screen? Or Gnu screen command?
screen mean "gnu screen"
and yes currently main problems is cursor positions wrong changes
inside gnu screen when i press backspace

> Takashi Yano <takashi.y...@nifty.ne.jp>
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