On 2019/11/09 01:21, Mick Pearson wrote:
> XWin has never had a permanent picture with OpenGL. 

Not sure what thing you are talking about -- but some/many opengl
progs seem to work with XWin across a local network (using programs
on my linux box, and display via Cygwin X).

Many of them operate at full speed, but depends on application:
> glxspheres
Polygons in scene: 62464
libGL error: failed to load driver: swrast ***
Visual ID of window: 0x2c6
Context is Indirect
OpenGL Renderer: GeForce GTX 1080/PCIe/SSE2
3220.365264 frames/sec - 3593.927634 Mpixels/sec
59.853303 frames/sec - 66.796286 Mpixels/sec
59.854641 frames/sec - 66.797779 Mpixels/sec
43.856578 frames/sec - 48.943941 Mpixels/sec
150.846871 frames/sec - 168.345108 Mpixels/sec
36.137460 frames/sec - 60.207032 Mpixels/sec
different values were for different window sizes.

*** - this failed to load driver is a bogus msg that comes out
with any/all programs that use an indirect context...

The screen's refresh is 60Hz.

> Any movement "damages" all windows. 
I don't understand what you mean by this -- I can move the rendering
window around and resize it and don't see any other windows needing
a refresh (most are Xwin from my linux box).

Anyway, thought I'd chime in.  Of note --
glxgears sometimes works but is often frozen upon startup.


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