P.S. Sorry to add, the WM_ERASEBKGND message occurred to me, or setting the class-background to the "null" brush is a likely culprit. It is behaving like a front-buffered old-fashioned application somewhat. Clipping and own-DC style should prevent damage, but I don't know, something seems to be responding to PAINT like events, that don't make sense for OpenGL.
Below is line formatted version of the old text. I have to do this manually for new text, but the > quoted text is already hard-wrapped. > XWin has never had a permanent picture with OpenGL. Any movement "damages" all > windows. I know I've looked at it before, but I checked its window/class > styles > with MS's Spy++ tool today. The normal styles that govern clipping and > permanence look fine, but it has some weird styles that normally for disabled > and transparent windows that I wonder are the cause for its abnormal behavior > in this regard. No OpenGL apps that just draw only OpenGL on a window have > XWin's problem. > > To be brief, it has these unnatural window-styles in this mail's subject line. > Other than that, I think it may use Direct3D instead of OpenGL, but normally > drawing OpenGL or Direct3D onto plain windows doesn't clobber other windows. I > mean, you have to work hard to make it do something like that. > > A second, unrelated, oddity is the window decorations are sometimes classic > style, and sometimes current style. It's very odd. It's random in the same > session. The windows seem to undergo a transition from classic to current, but > get stuck in classic sometimes. Maybe they are using the old "animated" show > functions that didn't survive the version of Windows that introduced them. > > Niggling things like this could be fixed. But I don't know how many people use > Cygwin. I've used it a lot over the years myself, to do development work. XWin > is the most stable X server. Others don't really get close. But it's kind of > too comfortable with its crumminess too. Not that I'm going to shove my work > aside to try to remedy it myself. > > -- > As with mail, anyone who wishes may send email from your email address. In the > case you receive obscene or unusual email from an address with which you are > familiar. It could be someone is impersonating that email address. Always > return a copy of the email to the sender for review and response. -- As with mail, anyone who wishes may send email from your email address. In the case you receive obscene or unusual email from an address with which you are familiar. It could be someone is impersonating that email address. Always return a copy of the email to the sender for review and response. -- Problem reports: http://cygwin.com/problems.html FAQ: http://cygwin.com/faq/ Documentation: http://cygwin.com/docs.html Unsubscribe info: http://cygwin.com/ml/#unsubscribe-simple