On Mar 28 09:43, Thomas Wolff wrote:
> Achim Gratz wrote:
> > 
> > > Trying cygport package, a bunch of problems arise:
> > > 
> > > I removed -s as suggested by Achim, added -g as advised by Corinna,
> > > but cygport still says:
> > > *** Info: No debug files, skipping debuginfo subpackage
> > Well, do not reset CFLAGS in your Makefile and cygport helpfully
> > provides all the scaffolding you need.  You might have noticed I
> > replaced the ":=" in your Makefile for exactly that reason.
> I wondered why and forgot... Works now, thank you.
> > A build system is supposed to be able to pre-configure CFLAGS without your
> > Makefile nixing all of that effort.
> As also indicated by Jeffrey Walton. However, I'll do only minimal revision
> of the Makefile, as required.
> > 
> > > Achim also suggested some changes in the cygport file:
> > > #SRC_URI="https://github.com/${NAME}/release/${NAME}-${VERSION}-src.tar.bz2";
> > > SRC_URI="https://github.com/${NAME}/${NAME}/archive/${VERSION}.tar.gz";
> > > → While it’s proper to retrieve the archive (if needed at all; why
> > > does cygport refer to this if the package is locally available?)
> > It's generally considered bad form to provide a cygport file that
> > doesn't work standalone and the SRC_URI you provided only got me a 404.
> Referring to the "release" repository was only a fallback rescue setting,
> because due to github's strange URL scheme, the working download URL would
> confuse cygport.

If your repo is on github anyway it would be much simpler to define
the source as a git repo.  Rather than SRC_URI, just use something
like this:

GIT_URI="https://github.com/mintty/mintty.git"; # Just as example
# Either...
GIT_TAG="your release tag"
# ...or...
GIT_REV="matching sha1-hash"
inherit git

> Sure, that's why the VERSION should better not be mentioned in it, right?

No, the VERSION and RELEASE fields define how tohe package is called
when you do `cygport package'.

Did you read Cygwin's Package Contributor's Guide?


It's really not that complicated to do it right.


Corinna Vinschen
Cygwin Maintainer

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