Greetings, Thomas Wolff!

> Am 16.03.2019 um 15:00 schrieb Achim Gratz:
>> Thomas Wolff writes:
>>> I have uploaded mintty 2.9.9 with the following changes:
>> While you're at it, could you please stop using the release number "0" for 
>> your packages?
> I had previously explained why I used to like this (native package, no 
> patches) and there had been no comments...
>> That's supposed to be used for test packages only
>> (if you want to make an effort to convey that in the package file name).
> I don't see this documented anywhere.
>> Proper releases should start with "1".
> OK, I see *this* described now; I think it changed some time. Was there 
> any discussion about it?
> Anyway, with maybe one more vote, I'll make the change.

I think it was made official with last rewrite of Setup's version matching
algorithm. Some 3 to 5 years ago.
You can tell full official Cygwin release by -1 added to the relevant
upstream version tag. Preliminary/test releases are marked with -0.x.

With best regards,
Andrey Repin
Sunday, March 24, 2019 23:53:41

Sorry for my terrible english...

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