
I'm trying to create a new 32-bit Cygwin installation, but the
installation is failing. I'm getting errors during the postinstall
script phase, starting MinTTY reports forking errors, and attempting
to rebase in ash fails with "fork: can't reserve memory for parent
stack" errors.

My best guess is that this is characteristic of the installation being
too big for 32-bit Cygwin, but I'm not confident of how to confirm
whether that's the problem or if there's something else going on.

I've attached copies of all the error messages, together with the
stackdump files that were in the root of the installation directory,
and a redacted cygcheck.out file gathered from a PowerShell session.
I've not attached any setup log files, as the entire c:\cygwin\var\log
directory was empty.

Can anyone confirm whether this is a
too-big-an-installation-for-32-bit problem, or give me an idea what
else might be going wrong?

Error: Could not fork child process: Resource temporarily unavailable (-1).
DLL rebasing may be required; see 'rebaseall / rebase --help'.

Attachment: cygcheck.out
Description: Binary data

Attachment: sh.exe.stackdump
Description: Binary data

Attachment: bash.exe.stackdump
Description: Binary data

Attachment: dash.exe.stackdump
Description: Binary data

Attachment: postinstall errors.out
Description: Binary data

$ /bin/rebaseall --help
      2 [main] ash 26524 C:\cygwin\bin\ash.exe: *** fatal error in forked 
process - fork: can't reserve memory for parent stack 0x4800000 - 0x4A00000, 
(child has 0x4E00000 - 0x5000000), Win32 error 487
   1982 [main] ash 26524 cygwin_exception::open_stackdumpfile: Dumping stack 
trace to ash.exe.stackdump
      2 [main] ash 13560 fork: child -1 - forked process 26524 died 
unexpectedly, retry 0, exit code 0x100, errno 11
/usr/bin/ash: 1: Cannot fork
$ /bin/rebaseall
      3 [main] ash 14556 C:\cygwin\bin\ash.exe: *** fatal error in forked 
process - fork: can't reserve memory for parent stack 0x4800000 - 0x4A00000, 
(child has 0x4E00000 - 0x5000000), Win32 error 487
    692 [main] ash 14556 cygwin_exception::open_stackdumpfile: Dumping stack 
trace to ash.exe.stackdump
4862449 [main] ash 13560 fork: child -1 - forked process 14556 died 
unexpectedly, retry 0, exit code 0x100, errno 11
/usr/bin/ash: 2: Cannot fork
$ /bin/rebase --help
      3 [main] ash 24584 C:\cygwin\bin\ash.exe: *** fatal error in forked 
process - fork: can't reserve memory for parent stack 0x4800000 - 0x4A00000, 
(child has 0x5200000 - 0x5400000), Win32 error 487
  10577 [main] ash 24584 cygwin_exception::open_stackdumpfile: Dumping stack 
trace to ash.exe.stackdump
8398845 [main] ash 13560 fork: child -1 - forked process 24584 died 
unexpectedly, retry 0, exit code 0x100, errno 11
/usr/bin/ash: 3: Cannot fork
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