On Tue, 5 Jun 2018 13:38:14, Erik Soderquist wrote:
I have seen many people (and have done this myself before I
subscribed) participate in the discussion of their specific topic on
the list without subscribing by watching the public archive of the
list for updates to their topics and crafting the response email

Yep, I do this. I do not subscribe because I do not want my inbox flooded with
emails, and I couldnt figure out a sane way to only see the messages I care

- http://webapps.stackexchange.com/q/54707/exclude-starred-messages
- http://webapps.stackexchange.com/q/55045/gmail-label-unread-count

So I wrote an Awk script that essentially invokes cURL with the right params to
reply to mailing list messages, without being subscribed:


If OP is suggesting people can only reply if they are subscribed, then I am not
a fan of that.

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