On Mon, Jun 4, 2018 at 4:13 PM, Frank Farance wrote:
> Third, I believe a registration mechanism (just your E-mail address) is
> necessary for discussion: How would you be getting follow-up messages if
> you're not on the list?  And E-mail clients may prefer Reply-To-List rather
> than Reply-All, which means even if people were CCing you, at some point you
> start missing discussion from others.

I have seen many people (and have done this myself before I
subscribed) participate in the discussion of their specific topic on
the list without subscribing by watching the public archive of the
list for updates to their topics and crafting the response email
manually.  It is more complicated if you do need to reply, but for
many problem reports that have very simple/quick answers, watching the
public archive is more than sufficient for these people.

-- Erik

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