I run the 32 bit Cygwin on a 64 bit Windows 7 machine and install
everything, because it has been unnecessary to waste time picking and
choosing packages even though I don't use them all.  I've been doing
this for years and suspect many other Cygwin aficionados do the same.

I asked a related question In this link:
https://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2016-11/msg00014.html and was offered
this command line to remove KDE and Gnome:

                setup-x86.exe -c GNOME,KDE

My first question was how to remove both KDE and Gnome which are
already installed, and I used the suggested command to successfully
remove the existing KDE and Gnome categories:

When I updated Cygwin a few weeks later, I did not know how to omit
KDE and Gnome during the install/update on the setup-x86.exe command
line so KDE and Gnome were re-installed.

For me, a final solution is the set of switches to tell setup-x86.exe
to install everything EXCEPT KDE and Gnome.

With KDE and Gnome out of the picture, I'd think there would be plenty
of space for those people who find 32 bit Cygwin perfectly
satisfactory, despite the fact that (by now, I assume) 64 bit and 32
bit have feature equality.

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