Hi, Having installed Cygwin with no errors I could see, I went on to compile and run "hello world" - as you do. I could make it go from a windows command prompt after modifying the system path to include cygwin\bin, so - so far so good.
>From the cygwin terminal, however, the same executable refuses to play ball. No text is shown; the command prompt returns instantly. I have tried looking in the mailing list archive, and the answer may well be there (in which case I apologise). But the searches I have tried either returned nothing, or an incredible amount of information that was not apparently relevant to my problem. Maybe the attached strace output tells somebody something; to me its only helpful thing is that it shows that the cygwin1.dll is found and loaded, which eliminates the most likely potential problem that I could see. Dependency Walker only mutters about 64-bit and 32-bit libraries being mixed, but as the program runs under the Windows command prompt, I am discounting that as a reason for the failure. All the standard pre-compiled utilities I tried run as expected from the cygwin terminal. I'd be very grateful for a pointer! Wouter van Doorn
Description: Binary data
Description: Binary data
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