On 2016-12-07 14:40, Erik Soderquist wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 1, 2016 at 7:18 AM, Lee Dilkie wrote:
>> I'd agree that adding "cygwin" to the setup program would be nice
>> but it's certainly not the windows "way", lots of programs use just
>> "setup.exe".
> I don't recall "the Windows way" being a goal of Cygwin.
>> Versioning can't be added to the file name because the setup
>> program itself isn't versioned, or at least isn't the same version
>> as the cygwin you are installing... the cygwin version come from
>> the servers...
> Yes, the setup program is versioned, and will complain about being 
> outdated on its own anytime it sees a setup.ini that reports a newer 
> version of the setup program exists.
> I've often wondered why the setup program doesn't include its
> version number in the name like ever other package does, for
> example: openssh-7.3p1-2.tar.xz
> On my own systems, I download the setup program and check its
> version, then rename the file myself to include the version number. I
> know I would greatly appreciate the setup version number in the file
> name, and suspect this could be accomplished without breaking the
> existing scripted downloads by having setup.exe and setup_x64.exe be
> symlinks to whatever the current version is. Having the version
> number of the setup program thus available could also prevent a lot
> of duplicate downloads. I know I would look at the version number
> before downloading rather than download and then compare to what I
> have.

Use wget -N to prevent duplicate downloads when the name, date, 
and size don't change.

Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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