On 2016-12-05 10:36, Stephen Paul Carrier wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 01, 2016 at 11:37:41AM -0500, Ian Lambert wrote:
>> On December 1, 2016 8:54:57 AM EST, cyg Simple <cygsim...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On 12/1/2016 8:25 AM, Vlado wrote:
>>>> On 1.12.2016 13:51, Eliot Moss wrote:
>>>>> I think that including the version of the setup program could be
>>> helpful
>>>>> - I tend
>>>>> to add it (renaming the file by hand).  However, clearly we've lived
>>>>> with things this
>>>>> way for a long time ...
>>> More than a score years.
>>>> I disagree.
>>>> I have a script to update Cygwin. This script checks for new version
>>> of
>>>> setup, downloads, verifies signature, etc. Things would become much
>>> more
>>>> complicated with variable setup file name.
>>>> Finally: Why should I care about the exact version number of setup?
>>>> Script makes backups of the old setup files like setup.exe.0001,
>>> 0002,
>>>> ..., just for a cause, but never in the past I did have to looking
>>> for
>>>> the setup with exact version number.
>>> The only reason would be if you had an older version of the .ini file.
>>> When the data prerequisites of the .ini file change there is a new
>>> version of setup to handle that.
> Right, and the way to learn if this is the case is to run setup.  I learn
> that a new version is available by running the old version.
> Running setup is also the way to find out what is the version.
> I don't mind renaming the file myself, but would really appreciate any
> way to know from the cygwin.com front page exactly which version of the
> setup-*.exe is on offer.  (The current version of Cygwin DLL is useful,
> but not the same thing.)

You can get the Setup version by installing upx and running: 

cp -fp $DIR/setup-x86*.exe /tmp/setup   && \
upx -dqqq /tmp/setup                    && \
egrep -ao '%%%\ssetup-version\s[.0-9]+' /tmp/setup | \
        sed 's/%%%\ssetup-version\s//'  && \
rm -f /tmp/setup

Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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