On 08/26/2016 06:49 PM, Gene Pavlovsky wrote:
> After I updated Cygwin yesterday, a daily database backup bash script
> (`automysqlbackup`) broke.
> My previous bash was 4.3.42-4 (installed when I updated Cygwin on
> 2016/07/23), current is 4.3.46-7.
> Here's the code snippet:
> ```bash
>   local i;i=0;
>   while read -r; do alldbnames[i++]="$REPLY"; done < <(mysql
> --user="${CONFIG_mysql_dump_username}"
> --password="${CONFIG_mysql_dump_password}"
> --host="${CONFIG_mysql_dump_host}" "${mysql_opt[@]}" --batch
> --skip-column-names -e "show databases")
> ```
> This is supposed to get the list of all databases. Before it worked.

By pure luck.  The 'read' builtin was inconsistent on cygwin, in that it
FORCED people to use text mode (and ate \r before \n), even when they
wanted pure binary input, which was different than all other aspects of
bash; and worse had a bug where \r before something else would cause the
something else to be incorrectly eaten.

> Now every item on the list ends with the CR character ($'\r'), causing
> a bunch of issues with further script opreation. I'm using official
> MariaDB Windows x64 binaries.

Simplest fix:

read ... < <(mysql ... | dos2unix)

There. Now you aren't feeding \r to read in the first place.

Eric Blake   eblake redhat com    +1-919-301-3266
Libvirt virtualization library http://libvirt.org

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