
On Thu, Dec 19, 2002 at 12:08:26AM +0200, Jari Aalto wrote:
> > IMO, the above is unnecessary unless the default Cygwin environment
> > sets any of locale related environment variables to something other
> > that "C".
> I have set LC_ALL=en_US in my Cygwin setup and it took quite a while
> yo giess why did the 7.3 upgrade failed. It gives mysterious error
> messages when the initdb was run with that locale in effect.
> I still think it would be good idea suggest in Cygwin/postgres
> documentaion to say that the loate is crucial when database is
> created.  Hence he safest way:
>      $ env LC_ALL=C initdb -D /usr/share/postgresql/data

OK, you wore me down.  I will add a locale issue to the next iteration
of my README.


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