* Thu 2002-12-12 Jason Tishler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> list.cygwin
* Message-Id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Heitzso,
> On Wed, Dec 11, 2002 at 12:48:20PM -0500, Heitzso wrote:
>> I got around this problem (??) by commenting out the 4 localization
>> lines at the end of postgresql.conf in the data directory, but would
>> greatly appreciate any suggestions as to what's south with my setup
>> that would cause this.
> It appears that having LANG=en_us set before you ran initdb caused this
> problem.  My recommendation it to either unset LANG or use LANG=C before
> you rerun initdb.
> IIRC, Cygwin does not fully support locale.

Thank you, May I suggest that the documentation says:

    $ env LC_ALL=C initdb -D /usr/share/postgresql/data


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