On 2016-01-08 16:19, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
On Jan  4 10:24, Houder wrote:
On 2016-01-04 09:52, Marco Atzeri wrote:
>On 04/01/2016 09:03, Houder wrote:
>>Hi Corinna,
>>I have been looking for an STC to show why cmp fails on Cygwin (and to
>>show the
>>difference between Cygwin and Linux).
>>The STC below creates a pipe (pipe() is used), followed by calls to
>>fstat() and
>>stat() for both the read end and the write end of the pipe.
>>(I also tested with popen()/pclose(): same result)

Thanks for the STC.  However, given how this stuff works internally,
I have no good solution off the top of my head.  I played with various
ideas but to no avail.  I add this to my TODO list, but I probably
won't have a quick solution :(


P.S: It would be really helpful if you could stick to the original
     thread and simply use "reply-to" once a discussion has started.
It's very confusing having to connect the various threads. Thanks.

Perhaps David B. can be helped by a Cygwin-specific patching to "cmp"? Eric?

... replacing the call to fstat() by a call to stat() ...
(as shown in https://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2015-12/msg00348.html)

By the way, thank you for reporting back to "us" about this. I already
feared that a "general" solution would have to wait ... You have already
too much on your plate.

As a final point, I also tested FIFOs and (unix domain) sockets.

FIFOs pass the test, sockets do not.



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