On 04/01/2016 09:03, Houder wrote:
Hi Corinna,

I have been looking for an STC to show why cmp fails on Cygwin (and to
show the
difference between Cygwin and Linux).

The STC below creates a pipe (pipe() is used), followed by calls to
fstat() and
stat() for both the read end and the write end of the pipe.

(I also tested with popen()/pclose(): same result)


Btw, I am using W7 prof.; Cygwin-32 and Cygwin-64; 2.3.1 and 2.4.0


The code for the STC is basically as follows:

in general a STC should be complete and attached as file.

I know where you took errExit and displayStatInfo, but
it is anyway a extra effort time consuming for the others.


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