On Sun, Nov 22, 2015 at 11:30:27PM +0000, boulderfans wrote:
> [/cygdrive/d/projects]
> $ git --git-dir=d:/projects/git-git/.git config alias.foo ls-files
> error: Unable to open tempfile: 
> /cygdrive/d/projects/d:/projects/git-git/.git/config.lock
> error: could not lock config file d:/projects/git-git/.git/config: No such 
> file or directory
> The problem is that the code that is checking the --git-dir option
> doesn't work properly if you use a DOS drive:/path specification.

Hi Matt,

Cygwin applications, including applications you've compiled yourself
using the Cygwin toolchain, normally expect Cygwin's Linux-like paths,
e.g.  /cygdrive/d/projects/git-git.  Attempting to use Windows paths
simply isn't meant to work.

You can convert from a Windows path to the equivalent Cygwin path using
the cygpath utility, e.g.:

    git --git-dir="$(cygpath 'd:/projects/git-git/.git')" config alias.foo 


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