I've run into a problem when using the --git-dir option in git. It appears to 
have been introduced since git 2.4.x.
Here's an example of the problem using a locally built version (2.6.3) of git 
with some annotated error output:

$ git --version
git version 2.6.3-cyg

$ git --git-dir=d:/projects/git-git/.git config alias.foo ls-files
error: Unable to open tempfile: 
error: could not lock config file d:/projects/git-git/.git/config: No such file 
or directory

The problem is that the code that is checking the --git-dir option doesn't work 
properly if you use a DOS drive:/path specification. I tracked it down to the 
fact that has_dos_drive_prefix() is not implemented and always returns false.  
From git-compat-util.h:

#ifndef has_dos_drive_prefix 
static inline int git_has_dos_drive_prefix(const char *path) 
return 0; 
#define has_dos_drive_prefix git_has_dos_drive_prefix 

It looks like there is an implementation of the function for a MinGW build 
(compat/mingw.c) but not for the Cygwin build. There were changes in this area 
about a year ago, but I'm not exactly sure what changed to cause this problem 
to appear.



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