Am Sonntag, 22. November 2015 20:17 CET, Thomas Wolff <> schrieb:

> > I found a consistent bug that happens every time:
> > ...
> > - Press Ctrl+S to stop the output in the terminal
> >
> > Bug #1: It's not possible to unfreeze the output in the terminal with 
> > Ctrl+Q. It just stays "stuck"
> I confirm this effect and you don't need a fat application to
> demonstrate it. With this Windows cmd script loop.bat:
> @echo off
> set n=0
> :loop
> echo %n%
> echo %n% >> .log
> set /A n=%n% + 1
> ping -n 2 > nul
> goto loop
> run it: ./loop.bat, then use ^S; the script will actually continue to
> run but will not show any more output in a pty-based terminal (works in
> Cygwin console).

Okay. So it seems to be a consistent bug which only affects me. What happens 

> > Bug #2: After a few seconds, the disk starts to trash. ...
> Thrashing? Might be caused by the apparently-stopped application going
> into some endless-loop activity.

I feel that Windows runs out of memory but I have no idea why. If cygwin uses 
the standard OS services to create pipes between processes, there will be a 4KB 
buffer which the native process can fill and that's it. It should then block in 
a call to `write()` (or the equivalent) and not be able to do anything.

I have about 2-3GB free RAM, so even if pipe would buffer all the output, it 
shouldn't be able to make Windows run out of memory. The Maven build reads and 
write files but all in all, we're talking 40-60MB tops.

I'm a bit reluctant to run more tests since it takes my computer so long to 
heal (it's actually my company's  computer, so I'm supposed to work, not wait 
for it to heal after testing a cygwin bug :-).


Aaron "Optimizer" Digulla a.k.a. Philmann Dark
"It's not the universe that's limited, it's our imagination.
Follow me and I'll show you something beyond the limits."

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