
I found a consistent bug that happens every time:
- Press Ctrl+S to stop the output in the terminal

Bug #1: It's not possible to unfreeze the output in the terminal with Ctrl+Q. It just 
stays "stuck"
I confirm this effect and you don't need a fat application to demonstrate it. With this Windows cmd script loop.bat:
@echo off
set n=0
echo %n%
echo %n% >> .log
set /A n=%n% + 1
ping -n 2 > nul
goto loop

run it: ./loop.bat, then use ^S; the script will actually continue to run but will not show any more output in a pty-based terminal (works in Cygwin console).

Bug #2: After a few seconds, the disk starts to trash. ...
Thrashing? Might be caused by the apparently-stopped application going into some endless-loop activity.


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