On Thu, 12 Dec 2002 11:07:37 -0800 Shankar Unni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Soren A wrote:
>  > [...] you can nenver tell another person what they should like in
> > a shell. 
> Well (sorry for OT drift), the main thing was the case-insensitive 
> filename completion, which is invaluable on Windows. I need to look at 
> the tcsh source and see if it is implemented within an "#ifdef WIN32" 
> like block. It would be nice if the feature was automatically also 
> available in the cygwin build of tcsh ..

I use case insensitive completion all the time in Cygwin bash.
The following lines in ~/.inputrc control that feature for bash and may
affect other shells that use the same input library.

  # Ignore case while completing
  set completion-ignore-case on

Mac :})
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