Shankar Unni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote around 10 Dec 2002
at5bsm$9qn$[EMAIL PROTECTED]:">news:at5bsm$9qn$[EMAIL PROTECTED]:

> (The reason is because I use a *native* tcsh as my shell, which has
> some NT-specific extensions for filename completion
> (complete=igncase), titlebar setting, etc. But the filename completion
> is (naturally) unaware of cygwin mounts, so I was trying to get the
> setup to look as much like the native structure as possible, while
> allowing things like "man" to still find their files).
> Anyway, I've given up that idea, and just deal with the mental bump
> when doing filename completion of something in the cygwin tree. The
> command line does one thing, and "ls" does another...

This is interesting. You are the second person in the last three weeks
who has talked about using this native tcsh shell (the other was

I sure wouldn't find it worthwhile to use a different shell (that
doesn't understand what Cygwin has to do with mounts, and so on), but if
there's one thing I've learned, its that you can nenver tell another
person what they should like in a shell. Each to his own.

 Soren A

"Work like you don't need the money. Love like you've never been hurt.
Dance like no one is watching."
                           -- unknown

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