You were correct Corinna. It was indeed the administrators group that
was the owner. Windows security is perplexing to an old Unix-hand like
me. I guess something in the process of migrating and restoring my
home directory from another PC made the admin group the owner instead
of me. Luckily I have found this TAKEOWN utility which seems to fix
the issue.

On 6 November 2015 at 09:48, Corinna Vinschen <> wrote:
> On Nov  6 01:27, Jan Bruun Andersen wrote:
>> I am not sure if this DLL snapshot (cygwin1-20151105-dll) is supposed
>> to fix stuff like this, but I think I remember something about
>> ordering ACL's?
> It's explained in the announcement.
>> Anyway I have this 'bin' directory in my home which shows up with
>> 'Administratörer' (Swedish for Administrators) as the owner. I had
>> hoped it would should me as the owner.
> Well, that's not what the DLL is supposed to do.  The idea of the ACL
> code is not to fake wrong ownership, it tries to evaluate POSIX ACLs as
> correctly as possible given the underlying Windows ACL.
> In your case the owner of the dir *is* the administrators group,
> otherwise Cygwin wouldn't show that.  If you want to be owner you have
> to make yourself actually owner, either in the Windows file security
> tab, or by using Cygwin's chown as Admin.
>> Some output:
>> jabba@Luap ~
>> $ ls -ld bin
>> drwxrwx---+ 1 Administratörer jabba 0 Oct 29 15:42 bin
>> jabba@Luap ~
>> $ getfacl bin
>> # file: bin
>> # owner: Administratörer
>> # group: jabba
>> user::rwx
>> group::rwx
>> group:SYSTEM:rwx
>> mask:rwx
>> other:---
>> default:user::rwx
>> default:group::rwx
>> default:group:SYSTEM:rwx
>> default:group:jabba:rwx
>> default:mask:rwx
>> default:other:---
>> jabba@Luap ~
>> $ icacls bin
>> bin NT instans\SYSTEM:(OI)(CI)(F)
>>     BUILTIN\Administrat▒rer:(OI)(CI)(F)
>>     LUAP\jabba:(OI)(CI)(F)
> Note that the output of icacls does not tell you anything about
> ownership.  The ACL does not contain this information.  For all we know
> from this icacls output, the owner of the above ACL could be the "Guest"
> user.
> Corinna
> --
> Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
> Cygwin Maintainer                 cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
> Red Hat

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