On Nov  6 01:27, Jan Bruun Andersen wrote:
> I am not sure if this DLL snapshot (cygwin1-20151105-dll) is supposed
> to fix stuff like this, but I think I remember something about
> ordering ACL's?

It's explained in the announcement.

> Anyway I have this 'bin' directory in my home which shows up with
> 'Administratörer' (Swedish for Administrators) as the owner. I had
> hoped it would should me as the owner.

Well, that's not what the DLL is supposed to do.  The idea of the ACL
code is not to fake wrong ownership, it tries to evaluate POSIX ACLs as
correctly as possible given the underlying Windows ACL.

In your case the owner of the dir *is* the administrators group,
otherwise Cygwin wouldn't show that.  If you want to be owner you have
to make yourself actually owner, either in the Windows file security
tab, or by using Cygwin's chown as Admin.

> Some output:
> jabba@Luap ~
> $ ls -ld bin
> drwxrwx---+ 1 Administratörer jabba 0 Oct 29 15:42 bin
> jabba@Luap ~
> $ getfacl bin
> # file: bin
> # owner: Administratörer
> # group: jabba
> user::rwx
> group::rwx
> group:SYSTEM:rwx
> mask:rwx
> other:---
> default:user::rwx
> default:group::rwx
> default:group:SYSTEM:rwx
> default:group:jabba:rwx
> default:mask:rwx
> default:other:---
> jabba@Luap ~
> $ icacls bin
> bin NT instans\SYSTEM:(OI)(CI)(F)
>     BUILTIN\Administrat▒rer:(OI)(CI)(F)
>     LUAP\jabba:(OI)(CI)(F)

Note that the output of icacls does not tell you anything about
ownership.  The ACL does not contain this information.  For all we know
from this icacls output, the owner of the above ACL could be the "Guest"


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Maintainer                 cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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