Warren Young <wyml <at> etr-usa.com> writes:
> Well, RTFS for the win: setup/main.cc, line 290 purposely fails to
initialize the logger when it’s
> running with elevated permissions, as it will be when running under UAC.

Sure, but it then executes itself with the admin rights already applied and
the child process should initialize the logger.

> I can think of some weak reasons why that might be the case, but nothing
that convinces me that this is the
> right thing to do.

You'd otherwise be overwriting the log from the child process, I'd think. 
But the two Logger calls on lines 333+334 shouldn't be there.

> Anyway, this has drifted off topic for this list.  Anyone who cares enough
to take it further should move the
> discussion to the cygwin-apps list.

Please drop a note there.


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