Warren Young <warren <at> etr-usa.com> writes:
> $ getfacl /var/log/setup.log
> # file: /var/log/setup.log
> # owner: Warren
> # group: Warren
> user::rw-
> group::---
> other:r—
> So, why is setup.exe not writing to it?  604 is a weird permission set,
but does it really need world writability?
> I get the same permission set when saying “touch x” on this box.
> Windows 10, 64-bit.

You seem to be using a Microsoft Account rather than a local one.  That has
the wierd effect that the SID for the user and the group becomes identical.
 Corinna already added a few workarounds here and there for this, but it may
not be complete and setup may also need to do something extra in this case.
 I've never used a Microsoft Account, so I can't help any further with this.


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