On 20/07/2015 20:14, Mouse wrote:
I happened to be looking at
http://x.cygwin.com/docs/faq/cygwin-x-faq.html and I noticed some
oddities which might call for fixing.  This is the only place I could
find for reporting such issues, though of course it's entirely possible

This is the correct place to report such issues.

I missed something; FAQ item 1.9 makes me think there should be
somewhere better, but on reading http://cygwin.com/lists.html (as
linked to by the FAQ), it's not clear what it would be.

In FAQ item 1.9, I find

     Cygwin/X has a mailing list, namely, cygwin@cygwin.com.  [...]

      Tip: Post your X-related inquires to cygwin@cygwin.com only; do
      not post nor cross post your inquires to the cygwin@cygwin.com
      mailing list.  [...]

Surely those list addresses shouldn't _all_ be the same...?

This piece of text obviously doesn't make much sense after the search-and-replace which happened when the cygwin-xfree list was deprecated.

I've removed the self-contradictory sentence.

While less important, I also find

    12.8. Isn't "XWin" trademarked by StarNet Communications?

    No. A quick search at the United States Patent and Trademark Office
    for "XWin" [...]

The question does not specify a jurisdiction; that XWin is not a
relevant trademark in the USA does not mean it's not elsewhere.  (While
I'm not aware of any where it is, I haven't gone looking.  I'm mostly
just trying to counter the "the USA is the whole world" tendency I see
creeping in here as it already has far too many other places.)

I don't know why this is in the FAQ. It seems to record the discussion at [1].

How would you suggest rewriting this?

[1] https://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin-xfree/2001-q2/msg01052.html

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