Hi Rich,

On Jun  1 20:27, Rich Eizenhoefer wrote:
> This feature requires multiple moving parts from other teams at
> Microsoft and we have not started on it yet.  We have begun planning
> for the first post-Windows 10 release, and within our team we have
> talked about how to create hidden consoles and make the console
> driver/API better all around. I don't have a timeframe yet when we
> might get to this but it has been part of our presentation to
> management about the backlog items we prioritized. Overall there are
> almost 280 items on the backlog and  this is in the "elite 25" that
> are being considered.

Thanks for letting us know.  Surely a lot of stuff you have to look
into.  I'm looking forward to the updates.  Feel free to contact us
any time if you need testers (or critics ;)) for certain features.


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Maintainer                 cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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