
I am trying to set up a cron job to run a script every 10 minutes. I 
have installed cron via the installer and configured it with cron-config
 to run as a system service.
Mar 10 14:11:33 stefan-PC cron: PID 3408: `cron' service started

This is stefan's crontab, generated with crontab -e.
*/10 * * * * /cygdrive/c/Users/stefan/copy_from_fileserver

According to /var/log/messages the cron job is executed correctly, but 
no test file is generated in the directory. Calling copy_from_fileserver
 from the command line works without complications and copies the 
file from the server as it should.

Mar 10 14:40:01 stefan-PC /usr/sbin/cron: PID 2340: (stefan) CMD 

How can I get this working? 



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