
Until recently and for about 2 years I have been successfully running the
CYGWIN SSHD service on my Vista Home Premium standalone PC.  It had been
working well.  I had 2 Windows user accounts, allowed to logon one using
SSH:  One a Windows Administrator (member of local group Administrators) and
the other just a basic, unprivileged account.  The admin account was setup
with the standard shell and produced a $ prompt and worked, letting me
login.  The unprivileged account was given an custom shell script called
no_shell (see below) which simply waited for an ENTER key then logged out
immediately.  This also worked well. 

The other day, I thought that I should upgrade my CYGWIN installation and
commenced the process to download setup-x86.exe, execute and download and
install from the Internet.  The process took and extraordinary long time
(hours!) and I killed and restarted several times.  I finally chose to just
download without install, then to run the install from the local downloaded
copy.  After doing this and seeing that the CYGWIN OpenSSHD service seems to
be running. I get the following very weird problem.

After restarting the PC I can logon using the basic user account quite
successfully - I get the press ENTER to exit prompt, it pauses and logs out
when I press ENTER.  However, in any subsequent logon, I get the following

1 [main] sshd 4476 C:\cgwin\usr\sbin\sshd.exe *** fatal error - unable to
load C:\Windows\system32\userenv.dll, Win32 error 1114 Connection to host

And it closes the terminal session immediately.  This even happens in Cygwin
Terminal, using the ssh user@localhost command.

Short of a more comprehensive Cygwin removal, I renamed the C:\CYGWIN folder
and ran the setup again - problem persisted.  I've also searched through the
registry to find any Cygwin keys or values, but they all seemed quite simple
and not to relate to userenv.dll, or C:\Windows\System32.

A workaround for this seems to be to make the basic user a member of
Administrators, which is highly undesirable, but it does allow the account
to login.
Short of removing Cygwin completely (don't know how to do that) and
reinstalling completely fresh, I am at a complete loss to explain the

Here's what is in no_shell

Can anyone please help?

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