Ken Brown <kbrown <at>> writes:
|On 12/3/2014 6:01 PM, Paul wrote:
|> I'm using pdfjam that comes with 64-bit cygwin's
|> texlive-collection-binextra package, dated 29 May 2013.  I have the
|> following in my ~/.pdfjam.conf:
|>     paper='letterpaper'
|>     nup='1x2'
|>     landscape='landscape'
|>     frame='true'
|> I invoke pdfjam using
|>     pdfnup filename.pdf
|> and the messages show that the ~/.pdfjam.conf is being read, as are
|> the switches therein.


|> The "Effective call" above shows that ~/.pdfjam.conf is being
|> ignored, even though the switch settings are being read.  The
|> output confirms this.  However, if I specify the switch settings in
|> the pdfnup statement itself, they are accepted.
| I've never used pdfnup, but it's a shell script whose last line is
|    exec pdfjam --suffix nup --nup 2x1 --landscape "$ <at> "
| So it's explicitly supplying options that will override the settings
| in ~/.pdfjam.conf.  This is consistent with the documentation for
| pdfnup.  The latter doesn't mention ~/.pdfjam.conf; it says to
| supply command line options to override the defaults.

Shucks.  Thanks for sleuthing that out.  Looks like I'll have to
create my own variation of the script.  Or just create an alias for

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