On 12/3/2014 6:01 PM, Paul wrote:
I'm using pdfjam that comes with 64-bit cygwin's
texlive-collection-binextra package, dated 29 May 2013.  I have the
following in my ~/.pdfjam.conf:


I invoke pdfjam using

    pdfnup filename.pdf

and the messages show that the ~/.pdfjam.conf is being read, as are
the switches therein.

   pdfjam: This is pdfjam version 2.08.
   pdfjam: Reading any site-wide or user-specific defaults...
               ## From /home/User.Name/.pdfjam.conf:
   pdfjam: Effective call for this run of pdfjam:
           /bin/pdfjam --suffix nup --nup '2x1'
              --landscape -- filename.pdf -
   pdfjam: Calling pdflatex...
   pdfjam: Finished.  Output was to

The "Effective call" above shows that ~/.pdfjam.conf is being ignored,
even though the switch settings are being read.  The output confirms
this.  However, if I specify the switch settings in the pdfnup
statement itself, they are accepted.

I've never used pdfnup, but it's a shell script whose last line is

  exec pdfjam --suffix nup --nup 2x1 --landscape "$@"

So it's explicitly supplying options that will override the settings in ~/.pdfjam.conf. This is consistent with the documentation for pdfnup. The latter doesn't mention ~/.pdfjam.conf; it says to supply command line options to override the defaults.


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