On Friday, 5 September 2014, 16:18, Richard <rich...@karmannghia.org> wrote:

On Fri, 5 Sep 2014, Marilo wrote:
>> I am able to connect to a server running Cygwin's sshd from a computer 
>> running debian openssh.. or from >>a computer running cygwin. So the server 
>> is set fine. If the key fails it prompts for a password, i've >>set the 
>> server's sshd_config is set like that.
>> But the Android apps that i've tried e.g. 'better terminal' and perhaps 
>> juicessh, tend to use Dropbear ssh, and dropbear ssh gives an error when 
>> trying to connect. It says
>> ssh: Connection to user@host:123 exited: 
>> No matching algo hostkey
>> maybe the encryption algorithms don't match, but i'm no expert
>> Is there anything I can do at cygwin's sshd end.. Or, any command line ssh 
>> client for android that is known to be able to connect to it?

>I use something called "Terminal-IDE".

>One big problem with what you want to do is with the keyboard and 
>Terminal-IDE provides a full keyboard solution... Check it out...


Terminal IDE does indeed have a great keyboard, it installs it and then it's 
available for any terminal app.  Though I see it uses dropbear ssh and gives 
the same error as better terminal. (in fact, better terminal has a slightly 
later version of dropbear ssh that includes a -v option), nevertheless.. both 
are dropbear ssh and give the same error when going to cygwin sshd.  Though 
clearly you guys don't get the error. 

Here is a screenshot of a packet capture
http://i.imgur.com/uqpqMcz.png is my phone, and is the cygwin sshd server.

Though it( phone), is fine connecting to bitvise sshd on 
 or to a linux machine And to rule out my WLAN, the one other 
computer on my WLAN can connect to my cygwin sshd server.

I tried moving the cygwin sshd server to port 22 instead of 222. But same error 
from ssh, and packet capture still showed TCP Dup ACK  and I see TCP 
Retransmission.. but also, this time I see from the packet capture screenshot 
here, that it got as far as some SSH protocol. But still same error at same 
point, from dropbear ssh on my mobile.  I don't have another device running 
dropbear ssh to try.


I will try reinstalling cygwin on the machine in question. And i'll try turning 
the router off and on first

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