On Sep  5 16:07, Marilo wrote:
> I am able to connect to a server running Cygwin's sshd from a computer
> running debian openssh.. or from a computer running cygwin. So the
> server is set fine. If the key fails it prompts for a password, i've
> set the server's sshd_config is set like that. 
> But the Android apps that i've tried e.g. 'better terminal' and
> perhaps juicessh, tend to use Dropbear ssh, and dropbear ssh gives an
> error when trying to connect. It says 
> ssh: Connection to user@host:123 exited: No matching algo hostkey 
> maybe the encryption algorithms don't match, but i'm no expert 
> Is there anything I can do at cygwin's sshd end.. Or, any command line
> ssh client for android that is known to be able to connect to it?

I'm using VX ConnectBot installed via F-Droid:
It doesn't recognize ECDSA keys, but 4096 bit RSA is no problem.


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
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