On Wed, Apr 09, 2014 at 10:50:20AM -0600, Warren Young wrote:
>I say all of this as one who has expressed a wish for Cygwin to move to 
>a better VCS at least once in the past; probably more than once.  The 
>need to use CVS did not stop me from contributing a few small patches 
>over the years.  It didn't even present a serious impediment.  Further, 
>I managed to escape the experience without any PTSD. <tic><tic>

And, this gives me the opportunity to say a belated thank-you to you and
other people who have managed, despite all odds, to contribute.

Here's a knocked together list from the last 13-or-so years of Cygwin.

Chris January           John Bowman             Ryan C. Gordon
Christian Franke        John Carey              Ryan Johnson
Christian Lestrade      Jon TURNEY              Salvador Eduardo Tropea
Christophe Jaillet      Kai Tietz               Sam Steingold
Christopher January     Karellen                Scott Finneran
Conrad Scott            Kazuhiro Fujieda        Sergey Ivanov
Craig MacGregor         Keith Seitz             Sergey Okhapkin
Craig McGeachie         Ken Brown               Silvio Laguzzi
Danny Smith             Lars Munch              Sjors Gielen
Dave Korn               Lev Bishop              Steven O'Brien
David Billinghurst      Marco Atzeri            Steve Osborn
David Huang             Mark Bradshaw           Thomas Pfaff
David Jade              Mark Paulus             Thomas Stalder
David MacMahon          Max Kaehn               Thomas Wolff
David Rothenberger      Michael Gorse           Tomas Ukkonen
Denis Excoffier         Micha Nelissen          Tor Perkins
Diego Biurrun           Mikael Ylikoski         Troy Curtiss
Dmitry Timoshkov        Mike Simons             Vaclav Haisman
Doru Carastan           Mumit Khan              Václav Zeman
Dr. Volker Zell         Nicholas S. Wourms      Vadim Egorov
Earl Chew               Nicholas Wourms         Wu Yongwei
Earnie Boyd             Nick Duffek             Yaakov Selkowitz
Egor Duda               Norbert Schulze         Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes
Eric Blake              N Stephens              Алексей Павлов
Ernie Coskrey

Apologies if I missed anyone.


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