Greetings, Lord Laraby!

> This would be a nice mechanism for typical windows home systems except for
> the format of the cygwin tag that goes in the comment field.


> Home users that utilize 'net user USERNAME "/comment:yadda yadda"' command
> cannot use equal signs on the command line,

That's just not true, unless someone holding their hands away from keyboard,
mouse and every other input device.

> and the entire string has to be quoted to prevent angle brackets from
> messing with redirection.

Well, see the statement above. Simply not true.

> Equal signs are stripped by CMD.exe and the nexted quotes are stripped as 
> well.

> Example: I entered the following at elevated cmd prompt,

> C:\WINDOWS\system32>net user TestUser "/comment:<cygwin check="maybe"
> then="okay>"

But Corinna did not said to enter this.
She told you to enter (in your case):

net user TestUser /comment:"<cygwin check=\"maybe\" then=\"okay\"/>"

Or, using Cygwin shell (console or mintty):

net user TestUser /comment:'<cygwin check="maybe" then="okay"/>'

> The command completed successfullly.

> C:\WINDOWS\system32>net user TestUser
> User name                   TestUser
> Full name                   Test User
> Comment                     <cygwin check=maybe then=okay>
> ...
> The command completed successfullly.

Of course, it did. Computers are very stupid. They do what you tell them to
do, no more, no less.

> So, I do not know how to get the information into the field in the proper
> format.

Exactly as Corinna told you to.

Andrey Repin ( 13.02.2014, <23:01>

Sorry for my terrible english...

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