On Feb 13 22:59, Andrey Repin wrote:
> Greetings, Corinna Vinschen!
> >   The group attributes utilized by Cygwin are:
> >     cn                 If set, will be used as Cygwin group name.
> sambaPrimaryGroupSID

Apples/Oranges.  "cn" is used as the Cygwin group name for an existing
Windows group.  It's just a name change.   I don;'t know if anybody is
interested in this at all, but it was possible with /etc/group.

For instance, you just hate the group name "Domain Users", so
you set the cn attribute to "HiveAnts", and Cygwin will use the
name "HiveAnts" as Cygwin user name.

> ?
> (Yeah, I have Samba3/LDAP domain...)
> >   The <cygwin .../> string can start at any point in the comment, but
> >   you have to follow the rules:
> >   - It starts with "<cygwin " and ends with "/>".
> >   - The "cygwin" string and the key names have to be lowercase.
> >   - No spaces between key and "value", just the equal sign.
> >   - The value must be placed within double quotes and it must not
> >     contain a double quote itself.  The double quotes are required
> >     for the decimal values as well!
> >   CMD example:
> >     net use corinna /comment:"<cygwin home=\"/home/foo\"/>"
>   net user corinna /comment:"<cygwin home=\"/home/foo\"/>"
> ---------^

Yup, shame on me.

> >   Bash example (use single quotes):
> >     net use corinna /comment:'<cygwin home="/home/foo"/>'
> Same as above. (I'm actually surprised, it works, though.)
> > However, setting up winbindd isn't for everybody, and it fails to map
> > Windows accounts to already existing UNIX users or groups.
> Oh?... it really depends on the curvature of admin's hands.
> Properly setup Samba accounting transparently map users through PAM.

As I wrote.  It's not for everybody.  I never managed it :}


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Maintainer                 cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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