I see.

What would you say to this ?

I have to use an EDI translator - it runs under windows/dos and had unix versions

I was trying this ... but the program needed to see the path of a config file ... after the -cp switch.

/cygdrive/c/gentran61SA/lftran /cygdrive/c/gentran61sa/data/EDN -id -cp 

It gave me errors can not open file /cygdrive/c/Gentran61SA\ediprim.cfg.  It 
was like the program could not figure out
what style of paths to use.

I changed it to :  (escape out of bash and run this code)

! c:/gentran61SA/lftran c:/gentran61sa/data/EDN -id -cp c:/Gentran61SA

and it worked perfectly.    Is there a better way to do this ?

On 2/6/2014 7:39 PM, Andrey Repin wrote:
Greetings, mrushton!

Ok ... I am converting my scripts and making progress.
But I have a question.
My old shell software would let me have a path as :

To access this shared X drive under Cygwin it seems I have to do this :

Is this correct ?  Is there a better way ?
And C: seems to be /cygdrive/C/
The true answer is - "depends"...
If you do not need interoperation between Cygwin and pure Windows stuff, you
could use either scheme, but the latter is preferred under Cygwin banner.
In case you DO need to work with Windows tools, the former scheme would
satisfy both worlds. (Windows does not see a difference betwen \ and / as
directory separators on the very low level, but this matters for a lot of
Cygwin tools.)

Andrey Repin (anrdae...@yandex.ru) 07.02.2014, <04:33>

Sorry for my terrible english...

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